Court Infusion

Court Infusion

NRPVYC partners with juvenile courts and juvenile court professionals across Nebraska to improve outcomes for children and families.

How Court Infusion Can Help Improve Outcomes

Adapt Court Process

Changes in procedures such as monthly team meetings and reflective practice.

Improved teamwork and relationships

Effect of these changes in procedures:

  • Improved relationships among court professionals
  • Resulted in parents feeling more heard. Parents who feel heard participate more in services ordered.

Shorter case timelines and increased permanency

Together, these work to shorten time to different case milestones and may increase the changes of cases closing with parental rights intact.

Major Court Infusion Project Findings

We conduct needs assessments and evaluations of court projects aimed for juvenile courts across Nebraska to improve outcomes for children and families.

Contact Dr. Pamela Caudill Jordan, our Project Evaluator, at for more information.