Lancaster County Family Treatment Drug Court
NRPVYC partners with Judge Roger Heideman and the Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services to support the Lancaster County Family Treatment Drug Court (FTDC) program.
The Lancaster County FTDC Program
The Lancaster County FTDC is a mandatory problem-solving court working with families in the juvenile court system who are impacted by parental substance use. Unique components of the Lancaster County FTDC include close monitoring, specialized case management, utilization of drug testing best practices, active judicial leadership, and a multidisciplinary team. The Lancaster County FTDC aims to increase reunification rates, expedite permanency for children, and to provide parents with substance use disorders support, treatment, and services to increase protective factors for children.
2016 - 2020
NRPVYC has a long-standing relationship with the partners of FTDC, and supported its work from 2014 to 2020. The FTDC aimed to improve outcomes for families with substance abuse issues by increasing service capacity, improving social support for parents, increasing contact with the judge and court parties, and increasing parental voice in the process.
We provided program evaluation, ongoing reflective consultation to the judge, caseworkers and attorneys, coordination of young child services, and other technical assistance for the Family Treatment Drug Court (FTDC) Track.
2022 - Present
In 2022, Lancaster County received a three-year enhancement grant through the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP) to support enhanced work in the FTDC.
NRPVYC supports the work of FTDC through the following:
- Ongoing program evaluation
- Ongoing reflective practice for FTDC professionals
For more information about NRPVYC’s work with the Lancaster County FTDC, email